Doomed to Excellence

Secrets of the German Mittelstand
A Guide Book for Entrepreneurs


Englische Ausgabe des Bestsellers "Verdammt zur Spitzenleistung"

Dr. Christoph Weiß
Bonn 2009, 155 Seiten
Reihe: Managing the Family Business, Vol. 1
ISBN 978-3-937960-06-7


inkl. 7% MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Doomed to Excellence

SKU 1080 Kategorie

Kurz­cha­rak­te­ris­tik: Alt­hough I’m an opti­mist, the­re are days when I come home from work fee­ling depres­sed. Not becau­se the usu­al pro­blems at work wear me down, but becau­se I’ve yet again had the “plea­su­re” of mee­ting with entre­pre­neurs from tra­de, indus­try or the ser­vice sec­tor and hea­ring about their woes. Some­ti­mes you can’t help but feel sor­ry for them!

It’s always the same old sto­ry: eit­her the bank cas­hes out of the game, the board of direc­tors is rio­ting, or the big­gest cli­ent is backing out. And then I hear their cries of hel­pless­ness and their whi­ning! But then I rea­li­zed that tho­se peop­le can­not be hel­ped. They actual­ly enjoy complaining!

I stron­gly recom­mend entre­pre­neurs like that not to read this book. It would make them unhap­py becau­se they would see that all their pro­blems are due not to adver­si­ty but to themselves!

I wro­te this book for entre­pre­neurs who know that their company’s suc­cess or fail­u­re is by and lar­ge in their own hands and know they have to work hard every day at making their com­pa­ny a suc­cess. I wro­te this book for tho­se who want to be able to say at the end of their care­ers: “It’s becau­se of me, not des­pi­te me, that my com­pa­ny has suc­cess­ful­ly over­co­me so many obstacles!”—those who want to look back on what they have crea­ted with pride!

In this regard, Doo­med to Excel­lence is meant to pro­vo­ke entre­pre­neurs who­se com­pa­nies’ days are num­be­red! And whoever does not wake up now will go down with the rest.

Gewicht 0.295 kg

Doomed to Excellence

SKU 1080 Kategorie

Kurz­cha­rak­te­ris­tik: Alt­hough I’m an opti­mist, the­re are days when I come home from work fee­ling depres­sed. Not becau­se the usu­al pro­blems at work wear me down, but becau­se I’ve yet again had the “plea­su­re” of mee­ting with entre­pre­neurs from tra­de, indus­try or the ser­vice sec­tor and hea­ring about their woes. Some­ti­mes you can’t help but feel sor­ry for them!

It’s always the same old sto­ry: eit­her the bank cas­hes out of the game, the board of direc­tors is rio­ting, or the big­gest cli­ent is backing out. And then I hear their cries of hel­pless­ness and their whi­ning! But then I rea­li­zed that tho­se peop­le can­not be hel­ped. They actual­ly enjoy complaining!

I stron­gly recom­mend entre­pre­neurs like that not to read this book. It would make them unhap­py becau­se they would see that all their pro­blems are due not to adver­si­ty but to themselves!

I wro­te this book for entre­pre­neurs who know that their company’s suc­cess or fail­u­re is by and lar­ge in their own hands and know they have to work hard every day at making their com­pa­ny a suc­cess. I wro­te this book for tho­se who want to be able to say at the end of their care­ers: “It’s becau­se of me, not des­pi­te me, that my com­pa­ny has suc­cess­ful­ly over­co­me so many obstacles!”—those who want to look back on what they have crea­ted with pride!

In this regard, Doo­med to Excel­lence is meant to pro­vo­ke entre­pre­neurs who­se com­pa­nies’ days are num­be­red! And whoever does not wake up now will go down with the rest.

Gewicht 0.295 kg
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